Hi, my name is Kelley Schultz.  Welcome to my website!  I'm on a journey to get healthy and fit, both inside and out.  I'm 39 years old, single, and the "mom" of 3 crazy fur-babies.  In spite of the inevitable challenges, I'm determined to succeed and reach my goal weight.  After much trial and error, and many failed attempts and do-overs, I decided that enough was enough, and I'm determined to succeed this time and never have to start over again.  I endeavor to be more active in my daily life, as well as to exercise and eat healthy.  I currently enjoy walking, home workouts, and the gym for my exercise. 

I believe that eating whole, real foods and portion control are keys to getting to, and maintaining, a healthy weight.  Lots of veggies, fruits, lean meats, and healthy fats are a great place to start.  The less processed foods and added sugars that you consume, the better.  I also believe in balance though, and not depriving yourself, so the occasional indulgence can be a great thing to maintain your sanity as long as you can get back on track and not turn a cheat meal/indulgence into a cheat month.  I also believe that having a support system can be a huge help in getting fit and staying on track.  Like minded people that you can turn to for support can be a game changer if you are on a journey to fit.  In the spirit of community and having that support system, I have created a no strings free Facebook group that you can join for extra support on your journey.  It's a safe place filled with like minded people where you can get encouragement from others and inspire them as well.  You can post your workouts, healthy meals, struggles, and even ask questions and get help.  If you would like to join my support/accountability group, you can join here.  Nothing beats the relationships that you can form with your fitness family, and helping someone achieve their goals is the best feeling in the world!  That is why I created my pages and this support group.

This journey isn't just about healthy eating and exercise.  Being healthy also means being healthy of mind and finding inner peace and balance.  I believe that we can constantly learn and better ourselves as people.  Whether that means reading personal development books, nourishing your soul through faith, helping your community, meditating, or anything else, exercising your mind and spirit are just as important as maintaining your body.  And, sometimes, focusing on your mind and soul actually helps to fuel your body as well.  Your mind and spirit are powerful tools.

In addition to my addiction to getting fit, I also have a bit of an addiction to cooking and baking.  Over the years, my baking is what I've come to be known for in my circle of friends and family, and I find so much joy in creating tasty food for my loved ones.  So, even though I try to eat as healthy as possible and I encourage a healthy lifestyle, I also believe in balance and being able to indulge once in awhile.  So, in addition to all of the wonderful healthy recipes that I will be posting, you will also find a collection of indulgences for those treats, special occasions, holidays, and for the pleasure of your friends and family! 

If you would like to follow along with my journey and get some tasty recipes along the way, you have come to the right place!  Are you on a journey too?  I would love to hear about it!